4 Eggs
Parsley to taste
3 garlic cloves
Breadcrumbs (depending on the
tomahawk size).
Salt to taste
For the side dish
Eggs to taste
Potatoes to taste
1 - First, gently cut the upper part of the bone of
the tomahawk. Once cut, open the tomahawk
“butterfly” style.
2 - In a deep plate, mix salt, 4 eggs, chopped
parsley, and 3 garlic cloves.
3 - Dip the tomahawk into the egg mix. Make sure
to get it well covered.
4 - On a different plate, spread the breadcrumbs
until you have a thick layer.
5 - Dip the tomahawk into the egg mix, and
inmediately place it on the breadcrum layer. Flip
the tomahawk to make sure to cover both sides
with breadcrumbs.
6 - Preheat the griddle on high heat.
7 - Add some oil.
8 - Cook the milanese for 20 minutes each side,
on high heat. Quick tip: to make sure heat is OK,
hover your hand over the griddle. You must be
able to hold it for 3 seconds.
9 - For the side dish: cut potatoes into sticks and
fry them. Also, you can take advantage of the
griddle to make some fried eggs. Perfect match!
10 - Serve everything and enjoy!