1 Rib eye
3 eggs
3 garlic cloves
parsley to taste
breadcrumbs to taste
(depending on the milanese
Salt and pepper to taste
1 lemon
1 - First, gently remove the rib eye cap from the
rib eye. Take out the fat excess before cooking.
2 - Chop 3 garlic cloves and parsley.
3 - Mix 3 whole eggs with the chopped garlic and
parsley. Add salt and pepper to taste.
4 - On a different plate, spread the breadcrumbs
until you have a thick layer.
5 - Dip the rib eye cap into the egg mix, and
inmediately place it on the breadcrum layer. Flip
the rib eye cap to make sure to cover both sides
with breadcrumbs.
6 - Dip the rib eye cap again into the egg mix, and
cover with breadcrumbs again.
7 - Preheat the griddle on high heat.
8 - Add some oil.
9 - Cook the milanese for 10 minutes each side,
on high heat. Quick tip: to make sure heat is OK,
hover you hand over the griddle. You must be
able to hold it for 3 seconds.
10 - Serve with your favourite side dish and
spread some lemon juice on top of the milanese.