42 - Pork Tenderloin Pamplona
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From Prep to Plate
1 Pork Tenderloin
½ red onion, cut julienne style
½ zucchini, cut julienne style
1/4 red bell pepper, cut
julienne style
0.25 lbs/120 grs Cheese (any
Butcher’s twine
10-15 cherry tomatoes
1 lbs/450 grs mushrooms
Fresh Thyme
3 garlic cloves
Olive oil
1 - First, slice the pork tenderloin, to open, book-style.
Then, add the red onion, round zucchini, and bell
peppers, all cut in thin strips, and place them on top of
the tenderloin.
2 - Cut some cheese batons, to add to on top of our
julienne veggies. Season with salt, thyme and pepper.
3 - Add a drizzle of olive oil, and close the tenderloin,
so we can score the top to get it ready to get tied up.
Tie it up with butcher’s twine.
4 - On a previously heated grill, check the temperature
for it to be at medium heat, and place the Pamplona
over the grill. This means that you should be able to
maintain your hand above the grill for 8 to 10 seconds
without feeling a burning sensation.
5 - On the meantime, on the griddle over the fire, we
are going to make sauteed mushrooms and cherry
tomatoes. Place a drizzle of olive oil, the mushrooms
with salt and pepper and thyme. The griddle should be
very hot. Add the cherry tomatoes, and chopped garlic.
6 - Check the veggies, and if ready, remove some of
the embers from the bottom to lower the heat with the
shovel and poker.
7 - After about 20 min, turn around the Pamplona’s, if
golden brown, cook from the other side.
After another 15-20 min, remove the Pamplona from
the fire, and cut the strings off. Cut the Pamplona
medallion style.
8 - Slice and serve with Chimichurri sauce, the
sauteed tomatoes and mushrooms. That is a great
looking dish!